Health News

What is the Best Treatment Option for COVID-19 Hair Loss?

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The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are the shortness of breath, loss of taste, cough, fever, and fatigue that global health organizations warn us about. There are now several reports and studies about the long-term consequences patients face after their recovery. Among them is hair loss, also known as alopecia. While this is a cosmetic change, it can be a devastating side effect for many individuals. If you are trying to recover from COVID-19 hair loss, you might wonder about your options. We outline the reasons behind your alopecia and some of the common treatments below. What Causes COVID-19 Hair Loss? Hair growth goes through three stages: growth, resting, and shedding. At any given moment, the vast majority of your hairs should be in the growth phase. A much smaller amount are in the resting and shedding stages. However, when you experience Telogen Effluvium, up to 50% of your hair is in the shedding phase. As a result, you tend to lose chunks of hair, especially when you are brushing or washing it. A strenuous or traumatic event usually triggers Telogen Effluvium. The condition often occurs a few months after the event has passed — many COVID-19 patients experience alopecia …