Health News

A compounded antibiotic nasal rinse could relieve symptoms of sinusitis.

Suffering from Sinusitis? Try a Compounded Antibiotic Nasal Rinse

ZenChangeHome Big Blog

If you’re suffering from sinusitis, we know just how painful the face swelling and congestion can be. While antibiotics in pill form often help, you might also experience unwanted side effects, such as nausea, diarrhea, and stomach pain. If you want a solution that goes straight to the problem, a compounded antibiotic nasal rinse is an effective solution. What is Sinusitis? Put simply, sinusitis occurs when your sinus tissues are inflamed and your mucus production increases. Sinuses are hollow spaces near your nose and forehead. While sinusitis isn’t always an infection, bacteria can cause sinus inflammation. Often, bad bacteria infects these areas, leading to swelling (inflammation). The inflamed tissues don’t allow your mucus to drain properly, which causes congestion. These are the most common symptoms of sinusitis: Inflammation in the nostrils Runny nose with thick, discolored discharge Pain, swelling, or pressure around the eyes, cheeks, nose, and forehead Postnasal drip Bad breath Cough Fever Ear pain Headaches Acute vs. Chronic Sinusitis Both acute and chronic sinusitis can cause the same symptoms of pain, swelling, and congestion. The difference is usually in how long each condition lasts and the causes for each. Acute sinusitis tends to last four weeks or less. …