Compounded tretinoin cream can make your skin glow.

Compounded Tretinoin Cream: How to Do Anti-Aging the Right Way

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If you’re looking to level up your skincare routine, a compounded tretinoin cream might be the right way to go. Of course, cleansing and moisturizing are important for keeping fine lines and wrinkles at bay, but you should also consider a potent anti-aging treatment. In this post, we will discuss what tretinoin is, how it works, and why compounding this treatment could be a great option for your skin.

What is Tretinoin?

Tretinoin is also known as retinoic acid. Retinoic acid is a derivative of vitamin A that helps treat fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots, and acne. While the ingredient cannot erase deeper wrinkles you might have had for a long time, it can certainly help with more surface-level wrinkles.

Many patients also use tretinoin starting in their early 20s as a preventative measure against future creases. Since wrinkles are a natural part of aging, you cannot prevent all of them from forming — but with tretinoin, your skin will have a great fighting chance.

Why Does it Work?

Retinoic acid works for a number of reasons:

  • It promotes rapid skin exfoliation
  • It stimulates collagen and elastin production

Exfoliation refers to the shedding of dead skin cells. Your skin naturally sheds dead skin cells on its own, but tretinoin gives that process a boost to leave you looking smooth and glowy.

Collagen and elastin are responsible for keeping your skin supple and crease-free. As these two fibers degrade, your skin slowly starts to sag and form lines. Tretinoin helps protect the collagen you already have, and it helps build new collagen underneath the skin.

Is a Compounded Tretinoin Cream a Better Option?

Tretinoin creams on the market come in several different formulations, many of which might not suit you. If you have oily skin, for instance, a cream formula can make your face look greasy or shiny. Certain ingredients in these formulas can also be irritating or cause your allergies to flare up. Compounding pharmacies can create hypoallergenic and oil-free formulas so you can use tretinoin with more ease.

A compounding pharmacy can also add niacinamide to your compounded tretinoin cream. Retinoic acid is notorious for “purging” your skin — you may experience a brief bout of breakouts, dryness, redness, and irritation before your skin becomes accustomed to it.

This temporary irritation is a sign of a compromised skin barrier. Part of the problem with a compromised barrier is that your skin cannot hold hydration as well as it should.

However, a soothing ingredient like niacinamide can do wonders for helping your skin barrier adjust. Niacinamide is a form of vitamin B that increases the production of ceramides. Ceramides are fats that your skin barrier uses to keep hydration in and environmental toxins out.

If you have sensitive skin, you may want to ask your compounding pharmacist to add this ingredient to your formulation. But all skin types benefit from niacinamide, regardless of sensitivity.

Better Skin Health Awaits You

Talk to your doctor and compounding pharmacist about getting a compounded tretinoin prescription that suits your needs. For questions, call our pharmacist Sonia at 305-665-4411.