compounding pharmacy

Compounding and Dental Health: How a Compounding Pharmacy Can Help

ZenChangeHome Big Blog

Most people hate going to the dentist, and it’s no surprise why. It can be painful. It can be expensive without the right insurance. Even after scheduling an appointment, many people don’t go because they have such bad anxiety about it.

But going to the dentist is so important to your health. As medical professionals, we believe that it is critical to make visits to the dentist as easy and pain-free as possible. If you find going to the dentist difficult or need specialized care before or after your visit, you should talk to your dentist about medication compounding.

Here’s why.

How Compounding Can Help with Dental Health

For those with mild to severe dental problems that don’t respond to traditional treatment, finding relief can be frustrating. For example, if you have an overly sensitive gag reflex, you might not be able to properly practice oral hygiene at home or prepare for your visit to the dentist. This problem can make visits to the dentist even more difficult because cavities and other issues will be more likely to occur.

Or perhaps you have special dental needs because of medical treatment that you are currently undergoing, such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy. This treatment can cause dry mouth, oral ulcers, and infections (stomatitis or mucositis).

Maybe you are just prone to canker sores frequently and want to get some relief so that you can stop that annoying pain.

Fortunately, medication compounding can help with all of these situations, and more!

Compounding allows your dentist and pharmacist to work together to find solutions to problems that traditional manufactured drugs cannot handle. Every patient is unique, and when some patients do not find relief or experience side effects with traditional medications, it’s time to start thinking of other solutions. Would you continue to suffer if you knew that you have other options to try? Hopefully not! Unfortunately, many people do not realize that they can find relief through compounding.

Here are some problems that compounding pharmacists can help you solve.

Solutions for Common Problems

  • Lozenges that help to suppress the gag reflex so you can properly take care of your oral hygiene.
  • Medicated mucosal bandages that help heal oral ulcers and prevent infection.
  • Mouth rinses for canker sores.
  • Transdermal medications for nausea.
  • Topical anesthetics for easy pain relief.
  • Transdermal muscle relaxers and pain medications.
  • Mouth rinses that help those who take anticoagulants prevent excessive bleeding.
  • Special lip balms for cold sores and other lesions.

Contact Our Compounding Pharmacy Today!

Of course, there are other ways that medicine compounding can help you to take care of your teeth. Want to learn more about how compounding might help you? Don’t wait to get in touch with us!

Contact us to talk about the problems that you are facing. We will help you find the right solution for your situation so that your smile can continue to shine brightly.